Soothing Cauliflower & Broccoli Soup for Pitta Dosha | Pitta Pacifying FoodsPitta is characterized by qualities of heat, intensity, and transformation. When imbalanced, it can lead to irritation, inflammation, etc
Delightful Butternut Squash Soup For Vata Dosha | Vata Pacifying FoodsWhen Vata is imbalanced, you might experience symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, dry skin, and digestive issues. This soup aims to nourish and
Yogurt + Fruit? Sounds Yum. But Here's Why You Might Want To Skip This Delicious Combo | Toxic Food Combinations According To Ancient Ayurveda Let's dive into why mixing certain foods might not be the best idea according to the Ayurvedic texts, specifically the Ashtanga Hridayam.